JBM Awarded Prime US Navy’s SeaPort Next Generation Contract

December 12, 2018:  JBM is proud to announce it has been awarded a Prime Contract under SEAPORT Next Generation (NxG).  The scope of work for this 10-year, $50B contract includes systems engineering, software development, research and development, system design documentation and technical data, financial analysis, quality assurance, configuration management, information technology and logistics support.

With this award, JBM now has the opportunity to compete across 23 functional areas under the SeaPort NxG contract which has a five-year base period of performance and ordering period option.  Given our strong history supporting US military missions, JBM will expand its services to support Navy Systems Commands, the Office of Naval Research, Military Sealift Command, and the United States Marine Corps requirements.

JBM SEAPORT NxG Points of Contact


Ms. Amy Kessler

Office: 703-354-8308

Email: [email protected]


Mr. Bill Bergman

Office: 571-594-5372

Email: [email protected]

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